What to Expect
You can expect to be greeted warmly. Church members will introduce themselves to you before, during and after the service, and by the time you leave, you will likely have met most of them!
We seek a healthy combination of the traditional and the contemporary. The music selectoon is typically half hymns and half contemporary worship songs, incorporating some combination of piano, guitar, organ, and the ocassional percussion. We rotate different elements throughout the weeks that include Scripture readings, responsive readings, extended times of prayer, communion and testimonies. Our Sunday worship service is typically an hour and fifteen minutes.
We are not formal. You’ll find people wearing dress pants, jeans, dresses, t-shirts, and dress shirts. Feel free to dress comfortably. No one is going to judge.
We believe God may call men or women to any function in His church. Like Deborah who led Israel and Huldah who brought the word of God to the king, you will see ordained women serving alongside men in equal capacities and with equal voices according to their gifts, abilities and callings.
Every believer in Christ is a minister with a significant role to play in the body of Christ. If this is your church home, you will be asked help according to your interests, giftings, abilities and sometimes just your willingness to pitch in where needed!
We are a church intentionally planted in a community that we love. We seek to invest in our community through service outside our walls and by hosting community events on our property.